quarta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2015

Dinner at the Finnish way

Dinner at House Seija Mahlamãki-Kultanen: oven baked potatoes whit mushrooms salad from salted mixed mushrooms.

A little different from the Brazilian culture, mainly from southern Brazil culture, dinner is done in the presence and with the participation of all. Each guest performs a task for the realization of the dish, the dish chosen for dinner is traditional winter of Finland, I had never experienced mushrooms, potatoes were baked in the oven, an interesting detail is that they were grown by Seija in her private property in the greenhouse. In addition to the potatoes and mushrooms dish was composed of various other ingredients, a mix of sour cream, onion, garlic, apple and spices.
Another salad was made with cabbage and wine, also accompanied some biscuits, toast type. The dessert is also made in the presence of the guests, in this case we used a type of biscuit with typical local cereals such as filling a slightly sweet cream with small decorative fruits.

Lecture by Ana Luisa Oliveira Pires

 Ms Ana Luisa Oliveira Pires, teacher colleague from Setubal- Portugal. Said about Recognition of informal and non-formal learning.

In this class I understand more about formative and summative assessment:

Formative assessment is more valuable for day-to-day teaching because it is used to adapt the teaching to meet students’ needs. It helps teachers to monitor their students’ progress. It also helps students to monitor their own progress as they get feedback from their peers and the teacher.

Summative assessment is a means to determine the student’s  mastery and understanding of information, skills, concepts or  processes. Summative assessments occur at the end of a period of  formal learning.  Exams, Class Tests, portfolios are examples of this.

Was addressed about: certify informal learning; community saw those certification; tools for assessment.

social constructivism

Theoretical foundations in Finnish education- social constructivism

The models of learning emphasize which students are not passive recipients of knowledge need the participate in the learning process, showing the characteristics: learners construct understanding; new learning depends on current understand; learning is facilitated by social interaction and the mean of the learning occurs within authentic learning tasks. 
Think about it, the pedagogical practices used in my institute din't do at students. Normally the contends were constructed addressing only technical aspects.
The pedagogical practices must be explored and made transparent. The focus for the construction of understanding need centered in student. The teachers can giving more space and opportunities for the student. 
During the class, Irma Kunnari, I know more about the strategy of learning. We need to teach knowledge or content in context with the tasks and activities the students are understanding. our students respond well to real word problems. our delivery of knowledge should scaffolding the learning process and provide a foundation for activities. 

Active learning strategies are also simply more interesting, for the instructor and for the students. Some kinds can be done with relatively little preparation; others require more careful logistical preparation. To use active learning techniques effectively, think through the learning objectives you want the students to reach, and pick a goal-appropriate activity. 

What the benefits of the student centered methods?
- Students' self-efficacy beliefs;
-Students' metacognitive skills- and the ownership of their own learning;
- students'self determination and feelings of competence, autonomy and relatedness.

I think which teachers can empower students by making sure the work students do is meaningful and important. Authentic assignments empower students. And finally, teachers need to talk about how beliefs affect behavior. Student beliefs about what they can and can’t learn powerfully influence what they do and don’t learn. 

Students' empowerment

How I could apply student-centered approach in my work in future?
  1. The learner or student is the primary focus of instruction.
  2. Interaction and "doing" are of primary importance
  3. Working in groups is an important mode of learning.
  4. Structured approaches to developing solutions to real-world problems should be incorporated into learning.

sexta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2015

Making iMovies

Self-study Movie task and production

The first moment we studying about the technical for iMovies create: Scripting; storyboarding

Profa. Niina Mero


 A set of short interviews with four different Finland people about contrast between Brazilian and Finnish cultures

Final Video about how to use Imovie

Funny Day - Dialogical Moment

During the class of Dialogical Methods - 

Creating a dialogical moment, dialogue tools- have a good exercise about method the art of inquiry- the power of questions - the goal of this method is to learn how questions cam be used to open another person's thinking and help them develop their thinking further or to stimulate collaborative knowledge creation.

During the class we have a opportunity of change the class and meeting other Finland students

The very funny moment! 

Visit to TAMK University of applied Sciences

In this Week We visited TAMK University of applied Sciences'

Other group of Brazilian teachers with us.

- Y-Kampus - Gives Wings to Ideas

It's the entrepreneurship community of Tampere University;
Aim for the goal where new courageous entrepreneurs are born and also new topflight professionals with the right attitude for working life.

-ProAcademy - Entrepreneurship Education 

terça-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2015

Dialogical method

17 th Feb:Activity about Dialogical method by profa. Liisa

Tree moment for practice a dialogical method of colleges in the class: Giving presents, perspectives, reciprocity, dialogue tickets, positive body language; 

segunda-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2015

Brain activity today

- 16 th feb by brain- the sky competition

-Socratic questions: Conceptual clarification questions; probing assumptions; probing rationale, reasons and evidence; Questioning viewpoints and perspectives; probe implications and consequences; questions about the question.
- Article: Key points of Finnish Educational System Leading to Success: Local Schools Perspective
1) I think an important part of the Finnish school great attention to special educational needs students.
2) The curriculum is more flexible, more general and practical to give an opportunity for schools change it according to their students' needs.
3)Professional autonomy- Teachers decide by themselves what to do and how to do in terms of their knowledge and experience. autonomy in organizing their work, using teaching methods, resources and evaluation.
4) Finland enjoys the culture of trust in education. have trustful, healthy and friendly atmosphere at school.
5) the teaching profession is very popular in Finland.

sexta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2015

Reflections day

Anything happened during this week?

- Read the questions again
- Mark the questions you think you have a answer or more information about.
- Get ready to explain it to your colleague. 

  • The entrepreneurial University By Prof. Paul Coyle

  • The Business Model Canvas presented by Petra
  • Ideas Mil- NABC model - prof. Vesa

  • Tour the bus in Hamenlinna

  • New interview with prof. Brian Joyce

quinta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2015

Entrepreneurial teacher- 10 at 12/02/2015

Tree days workshop on entrepreneurship

The first moment:
- discuss about:
What is entrepreneurship?
What is change?
What is innovation?
What are services for business?

Entrepreneurship is rocket science

NABC model 

- Reflecting about: create a program that integrates institution's actions and get financial support

Business Model Canvas:

 (By Profa. Petra) 

Based on the canvas model by Osterwalter.
Autor: Ash Maurya.
Has been applied and tested around the word.
Easy to understand.
Can become a shared language for you and your friends, partners, etc.
Lean Canvas - why?

The first week in program VET teachers for future

  • Interview- It's a good moment because this talk about background and expectation for the class. This activity was recorded for the teacher Braim.

  • The first presentation: Individual introduction:

Where are you from; organization; educational background; motivation to come to Finland/to this course; expectations for the program; my perspectives when I came back to Brazil.
source: http://radioalo.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/cerebro-e1336398317290.jpg
  • The professional growth in the VET teachers of the future program.
  • Creating competence-base learning environmental - integration of RDI (research, development, innovation) - profa. Irma 

quinta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2015

Networking in the class

Brazilian teachers for the program VET- Spring 2015 Cohort

Where are you from?

I was born in Pelotas. Pelotas is a city of Rio grande do Sul.Pelotas is known as the Candy City. 

Educational background

Technical course -  Electricity - 1991- ETFPELGraduation: Degree in Electricity- 1994- CEFET/PRMaster degree: Environmental Education- 2003- FURGPHD: Agricultural Biotechnology - 2007 - UFPELResearcher: Impact of transgenic soybeans in soil and seed quality. Having as main objective to evaluate residue of glyphosate herbicide in GM soybean used for post emergent weed control.


- This an opportunity to meet new cultures;
- Model of Finnish education;
- know new methodology for professional research;
-The teacher needs to search for new knowledge to share with the academic community.


- Know the model of Finnish research;
- Develop skills. 
- Gain experiences that permit me to develop a new methodology for my research on soybean crops genetically modified which include the local community and region in search of improvements in agricultural production.
- Explore new experiences and improve my English.

When I came back to Brazil...

- Improve my project finding to change experiences with the teachers program.- Understand the model of Finnish and apply in my research.- Recognize new learning technologies to apply in my Institution.